Crochet to the Moon Progress Update
Betty, Shetland sheep from Rodger Family Farm in Lebanon, OR
Since the beginning of 2023, we have collectively crocheted, knitted, and woven 372,820 yards of yarn. Way to go, everyone!
We have a long, long way to go to reach our goal, which means we need more help! We need to get to 10,936,142 yards to fully exit earth’s atmosphere, but we are gathering speed!
I’ve honestly felt a little guilty because I’ve been getting a little enthralled by knitting and recently learned how to cable. Even though crocheting will always be my first love, knitting is hard and engaging! We’ll see if I stick with it.
What new fiber technique are you eager to learn?
I also recently learned an alternative to shearing called “rooing,” and I wrote a blog about it. Check it out!
Don’t forget! Yarn bombing counts toward our yardage, too. Get creative!
If you haven’t found us on social media yet, check out @crochet_to_the_moon on Instagram or our Facebook group. If you post your photos there, we will get some of them posted!
If you would like us to feature a pattern you created in our next newsletter, please email
Total yards completed: 2,919,903
Yards to go: 417,544,097
Featured Pattern
Here’s the braided cable headband pattern I had to try. If you’re looking for an excuse to get into knitting, this pattern is free! See if you can find a creative reuse store in your area that has secondhand needles!
The photo above is owned by Andra Vltavín