most recent from Space Mermaids
In times like these, we remember that steam creates necessary pressure and friction to motivate movement. The tea is ready, and we’re spilling.
You are also a being of water. This potential can be as gentle as tears down a cheek, or it can carve canyons. Your hands change the landscape. Find which flows feel natural, feel nourishing, feel like speaking your native tongue. And, above all else, widen your channels so anything that comes will move easily through.
We wake from the fatigue of devastation with a newfound sense of direction, excitement, and collaboration. The obstacles have fallen, and the way is clear. Our quantum realties have collapsed into a new consensus reality, full of people eager to make change. Be one of them. Pour yourself into this ocean of regeneration.
Forces largely outside of our control swirl about, and there is a calling to turn inward and prepare. There is little to see right now in the jumbling swirl of what may come. Spend time with the people closest to you, strengthen community ties, and know that you are strong enough to weather any storm. Here we are in the eye together—allow yourself to float.
Change is both disruptive and inevitable. Let it move through you and energize you in the process. This is how the cosmos wants you to participate. Breath in shadows knowing you can transmute anything with love to wisdom.
Humans are beings of movement. We are the earth’s hands. You are called to use your own to nourish the landscape. Accept the gifts offered in return.
We know now that technology cannot save us. But magic might. Love might. Community rises to meet the challenge. Cast off the trappings of despair and step into the fringes, knowing exactly where you belong. Every being has unique access and perspective. Find yours, and bring it back into the infinite oneness. Liberation tastes sweet on your lips when you kiss the future.
As we death doula this empire, remember that life is about the journey and not the destination. Create space for joy in the process of dissolution. Tend to the compost of the past knowing that growth will return in the future. Trust the cycles of life and resilience to reemerge microscopically and macroscopically.
Remember that you are a set of lungs creating universes. Keep breathing. If you do nothing else, keep breathing. When you are only breath, keep breathing. It is enough to breathe one more breath here with us.
We continue to straddle the conflicting realities of great global suffering where it intersects with the deep pleasures of existing within strengthened communities of struggle, power, and resilience. This dissonance, this complexity, the ability to hold everything at once, is the work. Persist in building parallel structures of existence with liberation as their foundations.
To come toward a unity of intent, let’s think globally and meet locally. Turn to face the eyes that seek your contributions with gentle curiosity. Invite them in. Seek actualization in emergence together. Accept your leveled-up capacity as you revisit dead-end problems with new perspective.
We can’t afford to wait until the meltdown is over to start restoration. We have to be ready for the flood of transition coming. Build and strengthen foundations now so we are ready to reforest, restructure, and repair toward a new future. Invest in your local community and embrace creative divestments from failing circulatory systems.
If you aren’t fully sure what to trust anymore, you’re not alone. We are all in the process of a great unlearning and restructuring. As such, developing your ability to hear through the noise becomes essential. Through patience, listening, and critical literacy, we can develop a sense of truth within ourselves and our communities.
Welcome. You’ve made it here, and that’s saying something. We’ve got an even deeper drop in this roller coaster coming. Use this momentum to gently pull the whole world off balance and watch it roll casually toward liberation.
Live for yourself. Live for another. Live for this day, this hour, this second. Live. Claw your way out of this black hole and have the audacity to hug what threw you in.
Even while the present feels weighty and untenable, you must hold pleasure and enjoyment as a sacred bastion in this time of global crisis. Find ways to invite the complexity of now into your dance, your celebration, your joy. Expand what your spaces can hold by calling attention to what is. Rebuild your visions of the future.
We feel mounting intensity in the ache to grow—ourselves, our communities, and our purpose—but the seduction of despair clings in shadows. Turn toward temptations and learn how to weave them into the tapestries of something larger.
There’s no controlling the overarching forces in play, but there is fractal beauty in it anyway. Our sense of morality has individualized like the rest of us. Play your part or walk off the stage—it’s all action. Spoiler alert: You won’t die if you say the words.
You now have no doubt that the work and play you do is worth it. Your will is potent and effective. The collective sense of impending ruin will not stop you. Sometimes, it’s necessary to burn out the parasite. Nudge evolution in a mutually beneficial direction.
We aren’t perfect, and the humans we all birth won’t be either. But, we owe it to whatever intelligence would evolve after humanity to try. Save the universe some evolutionary trauma and work back toward harmony with the natural world. No one said it wouldn’t be messy.
You have recently begun to think of yourself as physically and emotionally strong. Radically self-reliant though you understand the value of and invite community collaboration. Even still, you stare at the structure of humanity and fear the whole thing will collapse in the fire. And maybe in the ashes, the house of cards will still have been worth it.
As the dominos of climate chaos fall dramatically around us, we sing and dance our improbable futures closer. We hold our battered anger with tenderness as we approach the edge of life as we know it. Hold your heart in your hands and reach out to the others with your shared vision. There is no better time to start living the future.
Since the beginning of 2023, we have collectively crocheted, knitted, and woven 372,820 yards of yarn. Way to go, everyone!
Even as existential dread nips our heels and the sweet call of dissociation floats on the wind, we have spent many spiritual millennia nurturing the sacred weapons of boundary and message.
Offer trapped magic to the greater network through the magic of release. Free your senses from rigid definitions to invite synesthesia. Roll your shoulders back and link arms with the multifaceted effort toward liberation.
Our forms of love are as varied and unique as we are, and every single one deserves celebration. Gush to your friends, pets, lovers, family, art projects, and music until you are empty, and trust that all that love will always return tenfold. Be brave and public in your affection. You don’t create a salve for unhappiness by hiding what is beautiful about your own life. Shout from the mountains and rooftops about your love. Go wild with passion and vulnerability. Try or don’t try; the time will pass anyway.
This deep into our futures, we have become experts at holding contradictory emotions. We hold acute joys and chronic pain together in one hand while we bloom out of the other. Even this unprecedented weather demands the glitter of life and movement. Don’t clam up now; the ground shakes beneath you and calls your name.
The clean-cut clarity of this season illuminates the path, and suddenly, you know the way forward. It emerges, and you walk.
We’ve been craving more space and time between transitions, and as such, we’ve incorporated the experiments from last month into new offerings for introspection.
Get curious about curation, moderation, and mediation as arenas of quiet power. Invite fluidity and grace into your relationship with yourself and others. As the veil thins, remind yourself you’re more than a ghost.