Crochet to the Moon

We want to crochet the distance to the moon, ideally in five years. From earth, the distance to the moon is 420,464,000 yards. This is going to take quite a few people. We are recruiting from r/crochet and other crochet/knitting communities, but please refer other fiber crafters to join in!

Andra Vltavín came up with this idea after learning about how NASA commissioned fiber crafters to weave the circuits of the Apollo computer together. Read more here and here.

Official start date: October 13th, 2020 Projected end date: October 13th, 2030


Please only log yardage you have used since you heard about crochet to the moon. Yardage you crochet and/or knit before then does not count. If you have more questions, please see the frequently asked questions at the bottom of this page.

We recommend entering your yardage when you finish a skein since the skein will be clear about how many yards it is, but figure out the method that works best for you! Other members have figured out ways to calculate yardage based on weight, and approximate estimates are fine. Fill out the form below any time you would like, and we will update this page regularly with progress. The first time you fill out the form is your official pledge to crochet to the moon.

Join us our Facebook community to post photos and discuss what you’re working on.

Happy travels!

Yards completed: 4,197,945 Yards to go: 416,266,055 Last updated: 02/07/25


Want to make sure your yards were counted? Check the spreadsheet here.

For counts prior to September 20th, 2024, click here.

Record Your Progress

Please note that the first time you fill out this form is your initial pledge to the moon. You will fill out this form each time you would like to log your yards.


Crochet Blogs and Progress Updates


Frequently Asked Questions

What if I used a partial skein? How do I count my yardage?

Estimations are perfectly valid. If you want a more exact measurement and you have a yarn label, you can weigh the yarn that is left and use that to calculate the yardage you used. For more information on how to do this, see this article. You can use this method without a label; you will just need to weigh a small portion of the leftover yarn first.

Can I count all the yarn I’ve ever used?

No. Please only log the yardage you have used since you found out about the project.


Do I have to make space-themed objects?

No. While that would be awesome, any project/yarn counts.


I do yarn bombing. Can I count my yardage?

Absolutely. Thank you for making the world a more gorgeous place.


I weave. Can I count my yardage?

Yes. You can count both the yarn used with the warp and the shuttle.


Why are you doing this?

For fun! Mostly, the project’s founders wanted to start tracking their own yarn usage, and after learning about NASA asking for help with rocket wires from fiber artists, why not go to the moon! But, also, it has been a great way to create a fiber art community with a centralized location for hangouts, pictures, social media feeds, and conversation on what we all love to do.


How many emails will you send me?

We send out a monthly progress email with a free or discounted pattern as well as pictures of recently completed projects. If you would like us to feature your pattern in our next newsletter, email


What do I get for joining?

In addition to a fun way to motivate your fiber art habits, you get access to our community through Instagram and Facebook as well as regular pattern shares and discounts on featured patterns. If you don’t have social media feeds for your crochet work, it’s a good way to get your name out there without making separate accounts.


What happens when we finish?

Right now, that’s a long way out, and there are lots of options! Maybe we host a digital party to celebrate, maybe we start going to the moon and back! Maybe we create a gallery exhibit to display some of the items made in the process. The possibilities are endless!