In attempting to be a conscious and thoughtful consumer in a deeply interconnected society, and more specifically, in an urban environment, the amount of thought, labor, money, and time involved in finding workarounds to ensure ethical consumption easily become overwhelming. Even going back to the age-old proverb of “do no harm,” that quickly becomes impossible. The only solution for this dilemma seems to be to create a hierarchy of harm that allows you to choose your level of commitment and still have the greatest possible impact.
Andra Light guides this meditation to explore and align the energy power centers of the body. (12 min 27 sec)
Andra Light guides this grounding exercise to integrate discovered shadow selves. (10 min 32 sec)
Ash Good guides this meditation to arrive fully into the present moment and invite an experience of sacred space. (14 min 32 sec)
Andra Light guides this standing free-movement exploration to invite the potential of future to bubble up into the body. (8 min)
Make This the Year of Rising Up — A spell and mantra for heading into the new year.
If someone does not respect your time, health, financial well-being, independence, body, or ideas, RISE UP.
Stop saying, “it’s okay.” RISE UP.
Use this solar system model to identify places of tension, potential growth, and room for more in your life.
Add sensuality and presence to your sexual experiences so you can better enjoy your whole body.
Ash Good guides this intimate exploration of breath, shadow and light in the body. (9 min 17 sec)
Andra Light guides this exploration of sensation and practice accepting and expanding beyond discomfort in the physical and emotional body. (8 min 53 sec)
Ash Good guides this imaginative journey to meet and receive a gift from your future self. (13 min 40 sec)
Ash Good guides this gentle body scan to ground into the sensations of the body in the present moment and follow that connection to the greater body of the planet Earth and its core. (9 min 34 sec)
Andra Light guides this imaginative journey through a forest toward an ancient sacred tree of life that offers you ascension into the cosmos to meet your celestial parents.