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Lightwandering: Portals to Future Self

Portals to Future Self
with Ash Good

Sunday, October 27th1:00-5:00pmLocation: SE PortlandCost: $80

“A vision is not just a picture of what could be; it is an appeal to our better selves, a call to become something more.” ~Rosabeth Moss Kanter

For me, Lightwandering means seeking visions for a healed future unrestrained by the experiences of the past. If we allow ourselves to imagine and explore all the goodness that could be created out there, it is possible to work backward to connect the present we are currently to our ideal future. In this way, each of us can pre–tend our own utopias.

“Instead of looking at the past, I put myself ahead twenty years and try to look at what I need to do now in order to get there.”

~Diana Ross

The Present is our continual threshold between past and future. In this writing workshop we’ll ground through somatic meditation into the present moment in order to stably move our intention forward into the future. We’ll journey inward to listen for the sounds of the utopia we’ve always wanted or maybe didn’t even know we wanted! Our efforts will empower an inner knowing that we each deserve to attract futures abundant with love, hope and opportunity. 

“Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart.

Who looks outside dreams. Who looks inside, awakens.”


This gathering is an invitation for any woman, regardless of age or faith, who feels the call to nourish  and support her vision and future self. Together we will lightwander into the potential of what’s yet to come through writing practice. 

Workshop is limited to 12 participants. No writing experience necessary. 

For more information or to register contact Ash at: