
altar guide


As you wander into your glittering futures, take a moment to honor the way light guides you along the way. You wake up in pattern with the sun, you eat plants that bloom and nourish with light energy, and your body thrums with electricity. All your movement begins with light.


Close your eyes and imagine feeling weightless. Imagine that even a beam of light would be enough force to move you. How far could you travel? Open your eyes with a new sensation of gravity and gather objects for your altar from around your space or outdoors that remind you how to feel light. There is no wrong object—trust the pull of your intuition.


Start with a clear space and arrange the objects you have gathered. Find other ways to honor light in your altar. You might use string lights, candles, spotlights, or lamps to illuminate this sacred space. How does adding white cloths or objects to your altar improve the contrast? Add any items that will protect or guide you on your journey and consider making the centerpiece something that represents your future self, such as an empty writing journal or a piece of new clothing.


When your altar is whole, watch the ways light interacts with the altar, how it shines and beckons you onto your path forward.


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